FGT是应用于好莱坞电影工业的专业电影杂点技术。众所周知,影片压缩转码造成画质损失,图像细节缺失形成马赛克以及细节模糊等问题,FGT技术通过对影片的分析处理,智能化的识别影像,加入动态杂点使影片在高压缩的基础上能够保持画面清晰自然, 优化影像质量。标识从技术最基本的形态出发,方形代表钝、不自然的状态,也是影片压缩后形成马赛克像素点的基本形态;圆代表杂点以及自然,标识所表现出来的由方到圆的转换正是FGT技术的核心要点。

HighTech Platform


The film grain originates during the process of film development, where silver crystals are randomly formed. The film grain is perceived in different sizes, colors and intensities
The film grain is usually removed during the compression process for video distribution purpose (DVD, low bit-rate network)

Thomson’s technology simulates the original grain on digital media and enhances the quality of the compressed video.Thomson’s technology enables to reduce the resources needed for video distribution while maintaining the source film grain characteristics

Thomson’s technology has been adopted by the HD-DVD standard.


THOMSON GROUP + Hollywood Film Studio.

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